Photographic competition winners (last held 2005)
Page last updated 24 Feb 2008 - Note the quality of both images has been reduced to fit the constraints of this page.

The winning picture in the colour section of the competition was by Martin Green and shows a South African Class 24 2-8-4 leading a 19D Class 4-8-2 0n a Knysna-George mixed train crossing the viaduct at Kaiman's River in April 1963.
The winning picture in the black & white section of the competition was by David Holmes and shows former Caledonian Pickersgill 4-4-0 54482 at Georgemas Junction on 3 May 1961. The loco had just worked the 3.35pm train from Thurso. A BR/Sulzer (later Class24) diesel is in the background under the bridge.

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